stack of library books

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

63.4% of Perimeter College students receive financial assistance.

How long will it take?

The typical pathway requires 60 semester hours — 42 hours in core curriculum and 18 hours in pathway courses.

Where will I take classes?
Alpharetta, Clarkston, Decatur, Dunwoody, Newton, Online

All required classes to earn a degree can be completed online.

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

Fall Semester (starts in August) — Due by August 1
Spring Semester (starts in January) — Due by December 1
Summer Semester (starts in late May) — Due by May 1

English Pathway, A.A.

What Is English?

English is an academic discipline that includes the study of rhetoric and composition, English literature and creative writing. The study of English is essential to global communication. Successful English students use language to cultivate the skills and habits of interpretation, analysis and research. They gather information, understand multiple perspectives, formulate effective arguments and conceive imaginative solutions to problems they face.

Why Study English?

English students learn how to use words to communicate effectively, think creatively and interpret the immense variety of messages in our media-saturated world. A command of language is a skill in high demand, not only in writing and education, but in business, entertainment, advertising, public relations, journalism and the legal profession. Students who enroll in English courses can become corporate leaders, lawyers, journalists, screen writers, as well as politicians and actors. The study of English can prepare students to be exceptional critical and creative thinkers, sharp analysts and effective communicators. A degree in English provides a solid foundation for further achievement in a variety of disciplines and industries.

A note on pathways: A pathway is an advising guide to help students prepare for their intended bachelor’s degree major. By following the course of study outlined in the appropriate Associate of Arts or Associate of Science pathway, students will have the necessary prerequisite courses to continue in their chosen disciplines. A pathway is not a major and will not be represented on the diploma.

Students should consult with advisers to confirm availability of online courses and requirements or additional costs that may be associated with courses. Students should check with advisers about which campuses offer the courses they need. Typically, core courses required for pathways can be taken at most locations and online, while pathway-specific courses may require attendance at a particular location.
Pathway Details

The English pathway requires 42 hours of Core Curriculum and 18 hours of courses appropriate to the pathway. For up-to-date curriculum requirements, please visit the catalog.

As part of Georgia State University, Perimeter College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) to award associate degrees. Successful completion of a pathway at Perimeter College leads to an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Georgia State University.



English graduates are found in almost every profession, including:

  • Advertising
  • Archives
  • Writing
  • Digital media
  • Education
  • Event management
  • Human resources
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Library science
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Social work

For potential job and salary information, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Admissions and Curriculum Inquiries

For help with applying or admissions, please review our website, visit a campus office or contact us at 404-413-2500.

Alpharetta Campus

Dr. Gina Flowers
Interim Associate Chair of English
Alpharetta Campus, AA-1640
[email protected]

Clarkston Campus

Dr. Shane Bruce
Interim Department Chair of English
Clarkston Campus, CH-3302
[email protected]


Decatur Campus

Dr. Valerie Matthews
Interim Associate Chair of English
Decatur Campus, SB-2020
[email protected]

Dunwoody Campus

Dr. Jennifer Colatosti
Interim Associate Chair of English
Dunwoody Campus, NE-2304
[email protected]

Newton & Online

Dr. Buell Wisner
Interim Associate Chair of English
Newton Campus & Online, 1N-1452
[email protected]

The information shared here provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For official details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.